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  • Writer's pictureOnetree House

Pipi and Pou have a starring role in AWF

Auckland Writers Festival | Waituhi o Tāmaki announce a special event on the Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 4pm featuring an interactive walking adventure!

'Join Tim Tipene’s acclaimed superheroes Pipi and Pou on a mission from the Aotea Centre tracking the Waihorotiu stream down Queen Street. Horotiu, the taniwha, lives deep underground and he is unhappy, as the stream in his care has been forgotten. Can you help Pipi and Pou calm him before it’s too late? This app-based journey is free and requires no bookings  – all you need to do is download the PickPath app, follow the instructions on our website and bring the kids for an awesome, unique and educational adventure!'

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